Our Story

Founded by an innovator in the industry, Cole Vann, we started as a moving company. We approached every job with a solutions oriented commitment to excellence and a determination to be the best. That commitment stands today and serves as the cornerstone of everything we are and everything we do.

Over time, we transitioned into an FF&E installation group for the hospitality industry. As installation contractors, we found owners and contractors perpetually frustrated by materials delivery scheduling and warehousing. Being perpetual problem solvers, we built an in-house solution by adding warehousing and logistics to our robust, universal installation capabilities.

Our needs based, growth mindset endures today. We remain committed to ‘building better’ — better teams, better processes, better solutions, better relationships.

We look forward to ‘building better’ with you!

Our Team

Cole Vann - Principal

John Lamb - Executive Advisor

Wade Bradley - Operations Manager

Derek Bartley - VP Operations Development

Rochelle Forgay - Business Development

Neenah Brown - Business Development Administrator

Doug Gottlieb - VP of Operations

Faith Vann - Accounting 

Anna Heming - Accounting

Greg Burns - Construction Management

James Miller - Construction Management 

Canon Vann - Grounds Management

Rachel Headrick - Property and Logistics Manager

Work with us to find solutions today